Many of my friends have already landed in London: Megan, then Angela, and I was talking to Kelsey last night on Facebook at 2 AM, two hours after which she was heading off with her mom to the airport. Next Monday, around 3 AM pacific standard time, I'll have landed at Heathrow myself after a 10.5 hour plane ride. Although, Angela did mention that hers was only 9 hours, and she also flew Air New Zealand. So we'll just see, I guess. Won't we? (Already going British~)
Yesterday my mom made a recipe book / folder for me containing vegetarian staples such as pancakes and veggie pot pie. Dad was unconvinced that I'd be cooking at all, since I don't at home, but at home there are also people supplying the breadbox with a pretty constant stream of bakery goods, and abroad I'll have to fill in that role myself, plus there's the added pressure of not wanting to get fat(ter) in the presence of a lot of British kids. Eheheheh.
Things I did yesterday:
- "finished" packing my suitcase, but I do still have to shove in a few wall decorations and moar socks etc.
- finished packing my carryon backpack, although it's likely I'll remove one of the outfits and put it in the suitcase so there's weight allowance for my laptop charger, which only weighs 100 pounds.
- broke open the little cheap lock that came with this suitcase, which I'd dumbly locked onto one of the zippers last time I used it. Of course I had no idea where the key was, so I pulled out a fettling knife from my box of ceramics/sculpting tools and borrowed a small screwdriver from dad's toolbox/tower/thinger (thinger is a word I learned from Angela and I like it) and then proceeded to pry it open from the seams. My first step actually was to try to trick the lock into accepting a hair pin as a key, but what happened wasn't that and actually when I pulled the hairpin out of the lock it broke in half. It took me a decent amount of time but I managed to break the seam apart and then poke the top of the lock out, and it all fell apart. evidence of my superhuman strength above.
- weighed the luggage. I have a one-bag allowance before I have to pay to check in luggage, and it's really a 50lb one-bag allowance, because I'm sure I could get a lot more than that in a single bag. Megan's, for example, weighed 50.5 lbs, and she had "packed light." OK.
- suitcase: ~37 lbs
- backpack: ~13 lbs
- worked on a story, cleaned out my wallet, cleaned out my purse, and added all makeup items to my liquids bag in my backpack.
Today I found out my attempts to set up a bank-to-international card transfer online failed, so tomorrow I have to go to the nameless bank (oh joy! oh rapture!) to get them to set up ACH transferring. I will ignore nameless banker with all the determination of a bullheaded...Lily. Friday, I'm going to have lunch with a coworker from the Library and probably turn in my key, since I won't go back to work until January. I'm also looking forward to a break, hoping that I'm more pleasant when I return.
If you follow my other blog, after I post this I'm going to post a "summer in pictures" summary of what I've done for the past few months, since my last post there was on the last day of school in June. Oops. I also should finish my post about my dad's shenanigans to post there for all your reading pleasure.
For now, I'll leave you with this video of the song that has always been a background track to my love for England and the UK.
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